14 January 2021 Zanon Dar KuhhoiPomir
Zanon Dar KuhhoiPomir
Zanon Dar KuhhoiPomir, while restricted in so many ways during the pandemic, exceeded expectations in raising awareness of the population, with a strong focus on population of remote areas, young people and females, in the importance of preservation of nature and Biodiversity. Such a topic asLegal Trade of Wild Nature Resources in the GBAO was the focus of the three seminars conducted in Roshqala Districtand in the Ghund valley of Shughnan District. In addition to that,Zanon Dar KuhhoiPomir conducted two conferences: the first was held in theIsmailiJamaatkhana and Centre Khorog on the International Day of SnowLeopardand focused on the preservation of this unique animal in its natural habitat; while the second conference was dedicated toBiodiversityand conducted in the Youth Centre of Khorog town. In total, 210 people were involved in the events that were organized by Zanon Dar KuhhoiPomir, with active participation women participants.